Cross bottom bags have the property that they are excellent standing bags. Because of the way this bag is designed, it is extremely suitable for round products such as round cakes or round gift boxes.
Cross bottom bags are available with a cellophane or cardboard bottom sheet. The hexagonal bottom bag with silver-colored cardboard bottom sheet presents the product even better and is therefore highly recommended for the more luxurious segment.
Industrial applications are also very possible with this bag. The hexagonal bottom bags can be provided with a Thürling hole to be suitable for machine processing.

Specifications | Bag provided from flat bottom |
Material | Oppc (mono and laminate), Acryl |
Thickness | 35 – 60 mµ |
Printing possibilty | Yes |
Extra possibilities | Cartboard bottom |
Thürlingshole | |
Especially suitable for | Demetallizing film |
Round products | |
Standing presentation | |
Luxury segment |
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Kanaal Zuid 288
7364 AJ Lieren (Apeldoorn)
The Netherlands
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7300 AJ Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
+31(0) 575-448430